June 21, 2013 - 10:01 AMT
Jewish Israeli man killed by guard at Jerusalem's Western Wall

A Jewish Israeli man has been shot dead near Jerusalem's Western Wall after a guard mistook him for a Palestinian militant, police say, according to BBC News.

Gunfire was heard on Friday, June 21 morning at the wall - one of Judaism's holiest sites visited by thousands of worshippers each week. Police say the guard shot the man after hearing him shout "Allahu Akbar".

Hundreds of worshippers were attending morning prayers at the time. The area has been closed to visitors.

The incident took place at about 07:40 local time (04:40 GMT).

A police spokesman said the guard drew his weapon and fired a number of shots at the man because of hearing him shout "Allahu Akbar" (God is great, in Arabic).

The man was seen pulling something from his pocket as he emerged from a public toilet at the wall compound, Israeli media reported.

The Western, or Wailing Wall is part of the retaining wall of the Temple Mount dating back to a time when a Jewish temple stood on the Mount. Jews go to the Western or Wailing Wall to pray and leave prayers on pieces of paper between the wall's ancient stones.

The site and the area around it has in the past been a flashpoint for violence between Israelis and Palestinians.