June 21, 2013 - 17:17 AMT
ANC: we put an end to snoring at parliament

The Armenian National Congress (ANC) parliamentary group secretary commented on the spring session at the National Assembly in a conversation with a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

“This past session was especially memorable for its scandalous revelations,” Aram Manukyan said.

“Among issues disused were the Prime Minister-related scandal over offshore bank accounts, gas price-linked revelations. In legislative terms, the Republican Party showed its true nature going back on its promise to create a committee for investigation of the March 1 events,” the parliamentarian noted.

“Much has changed since ANC’s entry into parliament, where all you could hear was the MPs snoring. Now, at least, public interest to the parliament has been revived due to livelier discussions and harsher criticism,” Manukyan said.