June 22, 2013 - 11:05 AMT
Avanta named Best Medical Center of the Year

The traditional ceremony Star of Hope to award best doctors and clinics of Armenia took place Thursday, June 20, in Aram Khachaturian concert hall on the initiative of National Confidence Council.

Avanta network was named Best Medical Center of the Year for achievements in dentistry, implantology and aesthetics. The founder and CEO of Avanta, head of the Association of Implantologists of Armenia, Karen Grigoryan was recognized as Best Implantologist of the Year.

The organizers of the event announced that various researches and surveys also revealed Avanta network of medical centers as the best in Armenia.

A special award Star of Hope was given to Arman Kharazyan, Avanta employee, who was named the Best Employee in the Field of Medical PR Marketing in Armenia.