February 10, 2006 - 15:03 AMT
Turkish Court Acquitted Hrant Dink
As result of the legal proceedings that lasted over a year the court of the Turkish town of Urfa acquitted editor-in-chief of Akos newspaper Hrant Dink accused of outraging Turkish symbols. In case Dink were found guilty he could be sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment. The Akos editor-in-chief said he was not present at the court sessions. His lawyers told him he was acquitted. However it was only one of three suits brought against Hrant Dink in Turkey. "Another trial will start March 16 in Istanbul. I am accused of exerting pressure upon the Turkish courts," Dink said. On the basis of another accusation - outraging of Turkish identity - Hrant Dink was sentenced to 6 months of conditional imprisonment. However he appealed the verdict later. The complaint is not considered by the court and the situation can last months or even years. Dink says in case he is found guilty he and his family will leave Turkey, reported RFE/RL.