February 10, 2006 - 17:21 AMT
Psychological Balance in Karabakh Talks Important
From the viewpoint of awareness the Azeri side is better prepared for the Kocharian-Aliyev meeting than the Armenian one, historian Hayk Demoyan told PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. In his words, Azeris use preventing rhetoric and achieve success. Moreover, because of inaccurate wording the Armenian party often reaches a deadlock as it happened with the term "liberated territories". If you remember we also used to say "seized territories" and then corrected ourselves quickly," he noted. Hayk Demoyan considers that psychological balance is very important in the talks on Nagorno Karabakh. Only in this case Armenia can achieve considerable results. This balance may be achieved via good information war, the war Armenia is unfortunately losing at present. "Our media are not coordinated while in Azerbaijani everything has a state basis. We forget that any war starts with information and only then real battles break out. We can receive the first blow from our own if we don't reconsider our position on propaganda," he said.

When commenting on the statement made by OSCE Minsk Group French Co-chair Bernard Fassier on two settlement principles Hayk Demoyan noted that there is no violation of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. "Formed after the collapse of the USSR the Azerbaijani Republic declared itself the assign of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic of 1918, which never had Nagorno Karabakh or Nakhichevan as its part. As you remember Nakhichevan passed under Azerbaijan's jurisdiction according to the Kars Treaty of 1921. Before it was Armenian territory. According to the treaty Azerbaijan had no right to annex Nakhichevan and declare it an autonomous republic. However the treaty was broken and in 1926 Armenians of Nakhichevan were forbidden to return to their homeland. Thus, there is no violation of Azerbaijani territorial integrity while the occupation of Armenian land is obvious," Hayk Demoyan underscored.

To remind, Bernard Fassier said the Karabakh conflict can be settled proceeding from two positions, these being the territorial integrity for Azerbaijan and the right of self-determination for Armenia.