February 11, 2006 - 14:52 AMT
Armenian Vice-Speaker: We should not Respond to Guseynov Each Statement
The meeting of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers February 15 at the level of permanent representatives in Strasbourg will discuss the written request sent by PACE Azeri delegation member Rafael Guseynov. The message is titled Inadmissibility of Membership of Armenia (occupant) in the CE, which violates Fundamental Principles and Basic Criteria of CE Membership, reported Trend agency.

In the words of Armenian Parliament Vice-Speaker, head of the PACE Armenian delegation Tigran Torosyan, Rafael Guseynov is merely "a sick person." In a conversation with PanARMENIAN.Net correspondent Torosyan said that the CE Committee of Ministers has to consider any letter addressed to it and provide a written or verbal response depending on the request. "Guseynov constantly writes to various CE committees, however, it does not mean we should respond to each his statement. Equally the Committee of Ministers in this case - they either answer or send the request to a corresponding commission," T. Torosyan said.