July 2, 2013 - 17:36 AMT
President congratulates U.S. leader on Independence Day

President Serzh Sargsyan visited the U.S. embassy in Armenia to meet mbassador John Heffern on the occasion of Independence Day of the United States of America.

The President also issued a congratulatory letter to his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama, hailing bilateral cooperation between the countries.

“We highly value assistance provided by the United States to Armenia to our economic development, as well as consolidation of democratic institutions and civil society. We are keenly interested in utilizing in full the substantial potential existing in our bilateral relations and to elevate them to a new level.

The U.S. involvement in the resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict deserves special acclamation. We are confident that your administration will continue its active mediation mission and will contribute to the establishment of a stable and durable peace in our region,” the presidential letter said.