July 5, 2013 - 17:45 AMT
Kim Dotcom buys Android app, relaunches as 'Mega' product

Cloud storage service Mega has released its first mobile app, Digital Spy said.

The Android app is an acquisition of an unofficial third-party client that founder Kim Dotcom has relaunched into his New Zealand-based Mega product.

Users are able to browse, upload and download cloud-stored files via their Android devices, as well as automatically upload photos and videos to their accounts.

While the app's functionality has changed very little, a new design has been implemented to align with the Mega branding. The app also uses the same thumbnails as the Mega website.

Dotcom returned to file hosting earlier this year with the launch of Mega, following the closure of Megaupload in January 2012.

The cloud service also revealed that an iOS app and Windows sync client are coming next, but are currently in the final stages of development.