March 1, 2006 - 14:23 AMT
Mher Shahgeldian: IPAP - Strategic Program for Cooperation in Various Sectors
The Armenia-NATO relations are very important and the IPAP is a strategic program including cooperation in politics, economy, the civic and even ecological fields, chairman of the RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Defense, security and Home Affairs Mher Shahgeldian stated. In his words, the EAPC seminar on "Economic Aspects of Security: Improving Governance of the Defense Sector" that started in Yerevan today supposes parliament's engagement in the elaboration and planning of the military budget and financing. Shahgeldian refrained from commenting on Georgia and Azerbaijan's participation in the IPAP. All of the three states submitted requests and no one should be embarrassed by it. I am far from guessing on NATO's preferences. The three states will cooperate with the individual programs. Georgia has already passed the monitoring and entered the second phase. It's Armenia's turn now. One should not forget that the goals and nature of relationships of each South Caucasian state with NATO is different," Shahgeldian said.