August 3, 2013 - 11:29 AMT
Ellen DeGeneres to host the Oscars for second time

U.S. chat show host and comedian Ellen DeGeneres is to host the Oscars for a second time, according to BBC News.

"I am so excited to be hosting the Oscars for the second time. You know what they say - the third time's the charm," joked the presenter.

DeGeneres hosted the 79th Academy Awards in 2007, watched by a TV audience of 39.9 million. She also received an Emmy nomination. The Academy Awards will take place on Sunday, March 2, 2014.

The chat show host also tweeted the news herself: "It's official: I'm hosting the #Oscars! I'd like to thank @TheAcademy, my wife Portia and, oh dear, there goes the orchestra." she joked.

Producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron said she was the perfect choice as "there are few stars today who have Ellen's gift for comedy, with her great warmth and humanity".

Cheryl Boone Isaacs who was elected to be president of the Academy just days ago said she "agreed immediately that Ellen is the ideal host for this year's show," adding, "We're looking forward to an entertaining, engaging and fun show."

DeGeneres will be seen as a safe pair of hands a year after an edgier performance by Seth McFarlane. The Family Guy creator came in for a lot of criticism for what Variety called "the most over-analyzed three-hour job in Hollywood".