March 13, 2006 - 17:40 AMT
Karabakh War Participants: Yerevan Should Quit Talks with Baku
Any Armenian-Azeri dialogue is possible only if official Baku stops anti-Armenian hysteria, recognizes Artsakh belongs to Armenians, Artsakh war participants say. Armenian authorities should quit the Armenian-Azeri talks over the Nagorno Karabakh settlement, says an open letter of a group of participants of the Artsakh war. The message authors are convinced that participation of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) in the talks is not acceptable either. «We do not trust these talks and those, who negotiate on behalf of Armenians. Any Armenian-Azeri dialogue is possible only if official Baku stops anti-Armenian hysteria, recognizes Artsakh belongs to Armenians, as well as recognizes its responsibility for violent deportation of Azeri Armenians and unleashing a war against the autonomy,» the statement says. The document notes that there is no actual settlement of the Karabakh issue, as during the talks it was not possible to form any compromise, all OSCE MG proposals contained unilateral concessions and violated the rights of the Armenian people of Artsakh for living in their homeland.