March 20, 2006 - 13:39 AMT
Baku Advises Iranian Ambassador to "Restrain Emotions"
The Islamic Republic of Iran and Azerbaijan enjoy friendly relations. The principles of these relations are reflected in the documents signed by the leaders of our states and remain unchangeable. The statements made by the representatives of NGOs during the II Summit of the Azerbaijanis of the world are the expression of their personal opinion," head of the department of press and information policy of the Azeri MFA Tahir Taghizade stated when commenting in the diplomatic note of the Iranian Embassy in Baku on the statements made during the summit. When touching upon the address of Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Afshar Suleymani to the summit participants and the Azerbaijani state Taghizade noted that emotional expressions can damage the cooperation built on the principles of friendship and neighborhood. "Noting the necessity of expanding bilateral ties between our countries I state that personal opinions should not tell on the friendly relations between Iran and Azerbaijan," he said, reported