March 22, 2006 - 16:56 AMT
Greek FM Calls Turkish Military Doctrine "Anachronism"
Turkey's advance towards the EU will depend on Turkey itself, Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyanni stated in an interview with Greek media. In her words, Turkey has undertaken certain commitments and should fulfill them. "It was a hard decision for us to support Turkey's aspiration to Europe," she added. Ms. Bakoyanni considers the Turkish military doctrine to be "anachronism". According to Hurriyet newspaper, Turkey will perceive Greece's intention to set the border of its territorial waters in the distance of 12 miles from the shore but not 6 miles as Turkey insists as casus belli.
"I think this is anachronism. This position conflicts with the marine right and is a matter directly connected with the European Union. Proclamations of the kind do not help Turkey to come closer to Europe," Bakoyanni said. She voiced hope that Turkey will respect the status of Orthodox Constantinople Patriarchy and will allow to resume the work of the theological school that was closed several dozens of years ago.