September 24, 2013 - 16:38 AMT
Scarlett Johansson in “Under the Skin” thriller trailer

Jonathan Glazer's Under the Skin extended trailer hit the web, The Hollywood Reporter said.

In the trailer, the film star Scarlett Johansson is luring men -- and potential victims? -- into her car. What follows is a barrage of bold and beautiful images, teasing a surreal vision with nightmarish undertones.

Under the Skin marks Glazer's first film since 2004's Birth, an equally methodical sci-fi tale starring Nicole Kidman. After cutting his teeth in the world of music videos and commercials, Glazer transitioned to features with 2000's Sexy Beast, a film that brought Ben Kingsley an Oscar nomination. Under the Skin looks and feels most like an extension of his short work — dark, twisted and hypnotic.

The film premiered at the 2013 Toronto Film Festival where it left many simultaneously blown away and scratching their heads. The Hollywood Reporter's review describes its "disturbingly subterranean male-female issues … with results more pictorially arresting than intellectually coherent."

A24 picked up Under the Skin at TIFF, but has yet to set a release date.