March 31, 2006 - 21:24 AMT
Representatives of Armenian and Turkish Armed Forces Meet out of NATO Events First
The symposium on international cooperation in fighting terror, lately held in Ankara, was well-organized on the whole, Advisor of Armenian Defense Minister, major general Hayk Kotanjyan said, reports Spokesperson of the Armenian MOD Head, colonel Seyran Shahsuvaryan. In Kotanjyan's words, «along with prominent analysts, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, general Peter Pace, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and others made reports. Representatives of European, Asian, North African, American countries participated in the forum,» the major general remarked.

Hayk Kotanjyan underscored that before this case representatives of the Armenian and Turkish Armed Forces had an opportunity to meet only within the NATO Partnership for Peace Program. «Foreign specialists, including Armenia's representative, participated in this event on the invitation of Turkish General Staff Chief. Under the conditions of absence of inter-state relations between Armenia and Turkey, the symposium was an opportunity for direct field observation of the neighbor's activities in one of the most sensible and complicated fields of international cooperation,» Kotanjyan said.