April 3, 2006 - 17:02 AMT
NKR FM Positively Assessed Dartmouth Group Effort for Karabakh Settlement
Nagorno Karabakh Foreign Minister Georgy Petrosian received the delegation of the American-Russian working group of the Dartmouth Conference on regional conflicts lead by Harold Saunders and Vitaly Naumkin, who arrived to the NKR within the regional visit framework. The meeting participants discussed the draft framework peaceful agreement compiled upon the outcomes of 9 rounds of the dialogue between the societies of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh by the Dartmouth Conference initiative. During the meeting the parties presented the principal ideas and principles that lay in the basis of the document. In their opinion, the draft framework does not offer decisions. It is targeted at the establishment of a settled dialogue between the conflicting parties.

For his part, the NKR FM positively assessed the effort of the working group for the conflict settlement. He specifically noted the participation of Karabakh in the negotiation process. Georgy Petrosian underscored that the mediators and the international organizations concerned should realize the moral responsibility for the maintenance of armistice in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict region.