April 4, 2006 - 16:51 AMT
Lala Shovket: Karabakh Issue Solution Depends on Superpowers Much
Solution of the Nagorno Karabakh problem depends much on superpowers, whose interests intersect in our region, leader of the National Unity of Azerbaijan Movement Lala Shovket said. In her words, she comes against military populism, in which she sees only military bravado. «When admitted to international structures Azerbaijan assumed a commitment to solve the issue by means of peaceful tools exclusively. Moreover, the late President Heydar Aliyev stated it at many talks. In general the one, who wants war, just launches it. On the whole, the conflict settlement process is in a stalemate,» she remarked. In Shovket's opinion, on the one hand Russia does not want to lose control of the situation. On the other the US tries to solve the conflict rapidly, as huge money are staked. «In a word, we have not got a chance for peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict in the near future,» she said, reports the Zerkalo.