October 31, 2013 - 16:18 AMT
OSCE MG co-chair: U.S. hopes for “new efforts” in Karabakh talks

Washington hopes for “new efforts and trust” in Karabakh conflict settlement negotiations, the U.S. co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group said.

As James Warlick noted, he sees the aim of his activity in helping the two countries’ people and governments make decisions that would promote a lasting peace in the region.

According to the co-chair, his visit to the region confirmed that people seek a solution, in full realization of a possibility of losses. “If resolved, the conflict will bring prosperity to the Caucasus. Therefore, we must try and find ways to allow people and governments to attain this goal,” he said.

The co-chair characterized the situation as dangerous, noting ongoing weaponry purchase by Armenia and Azerbaijan. “An altogether different development is possible, should the two leaders choose to pursue a peaceful solution in the OSCE MG format. For the fist time in a long period mediators are trying to seat the two countries' leaders at the negotiating table, with the level of trust becoming a crucial issue," he noted.

“We'll travel to the region next week to meet the Presidents in hope that they'll decision on the meeting will be a positive one,” the mediator said, noting that the time and venue will also depend on the latters.

"Practical steps are necessary to hold full-scale talks and achieve a solution. This is what people of Armenia and Azerbaijan are expecting," he stressed, according to Turan.

James Warlick in currently in Baku, with OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, ambassadors James Warlick of the United States, Igor Popov of Russia and Jacques Faure of France to join him next week. A Yerevan visit in also on the co-chairs' agenda.