November 28, 2013 - 13:41 AMT
Iran’s Rouhani to visit Turkey in January

Turkey’s Foreign Minister said Wednesday, Nov 27, that Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani will visit Turkey in January, to be reciprocated with a visit by Turkey’s Prime Minister, according to Tasnim news agency.

“Turkey has been pursuing a constant foreign policy in the last 10 years. It is true that we have some differences with neighboring countries, but the tenets of our foreign policy have not changed," said Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who was speaking at a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif.

Davutoglu also said in his meeting with President Rouhani earlier in the day that the two countries’ relations are based on solidarity and honesty and no other factor is involved in them, adding that Ankara is ready to further expand ties with Iran.

He also considered Iran-Turkey cooperation aimed at regional crisis resolving as a dire necessity, adding that Iran’s presence in Geneva II talks on Syria is quite necessary.

Recently, Zarif was in Turkey to attend the nuclear disarmament and international security meeting.

Photo: AFP