April 19, 2006 - 19:45 AMT
RA Defense Minister: Armenian-Russian Military Relations Should Constantly Develop
The level of the Armenian-Russian military cooperation is very high and covers a wide scope of issues, Armenian Defense Minister Serge Sargsyan stated in an interview with "Krasnaya Zvezda" Russian newspaper. "We should not stop at the achievement we have made. On the contrary, we should constantly develop these relations. We possess the appropriate legal and historical base and wish. I hosted my Russian counterpart Sergey Ivanov in January and we discussed the prospects of the Armenian-Russian relations," he remarked. "I would like to say that Armenia by no means develops the relations with NATO at the expense of the Armenian-Russian cooperation that expands in all directions. But we understand we should be familiarized with the experience of other states," the RA Defense Minister stated. In his words, special place in the Armenian-Russian relations is given to 102nd Russian military base that was located by proposal of the Armenian party. "Do you remember early 1990-ies when military units were seized in the post soviet republics or Russia itself conveyed the property of the bases to them. At that time by our suggestion half of the property was conveyed the Armenian party, on the rest 50% a military base was formed. If Armenia took the decision it was important for it," Serge Sargsyan said.