April 25, 2006 - 15:47 AMT
Karabakh Issue Artificially Created by Politicians, Baku Says
Chair of Organization of Heirs of Creators of the Azeri Democratic Republic in the Caucasus in 1918-1920 Akif Jafarov sent a letter to President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. Its aims to know Arkady Ghukasyan's personal opinion over settlement of Azeri-Armenian inter-ethnic relations. «Being a direct descendant of those, who stood at the origins of the Azeri statehood and cultural and enlightener activities, I want to know your personal opinion on settlement of Azeri-Armenian inter-ethnic relations. We live together no matter we want it or not. Matters of inter-ethnic and state territorial nature must not be solved from historical point of view. We should strengthen positions of democracy and national and cultural reforms within the modern civilization,» Jafarov writes.

In Jafarov's words, «if Germany and Russia were able to arrange friendly inter-state relations in spite of many millions of human losses, while Germany was also able to reconcile with Jewish people, why cannot we - two neighboring states (Armenia and Azerbaijan) share the territory of the mountainous part of Karabakh?»

«Why should we, residents of the Caucasus, where proud and generous people live, address the Council of Europe or other countries, international organizations, while civilized people in the contemporary world should possess enough potential to solve their own urgent problems. If in 1918 we could unite in a parliament of three peoples in the Caucasus, we should again struggle for the ideas of Transcaucasian Federation, preserving statehood in a common block. Then «our instructors» will come to our door. There is no problem in the mountainous part of Karabakh, it is artificially created by politicians. There is a problem of reconciliation of two nationalities! This question is solvable,» the letter addressed to the NKR President says.