April 28, 2006 - 16:13 AMT
Union of Armenians of Israel Successfully Functioning
The Union of Armenians of Israel, which is the member of the World Armenian Congress, was registered a year ago in Israel, director of the Tel Aviv Institute of Eastern Europe and CIS, Knesset member Alexander Tsinker told PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. According to him, the Union includes the Israeli citizens, natives of Armenia. "We have two organizations. One is "Ararat" and the other, "Nairi", was formed by the natives of Gyumri. This year the day of Holocaust coincided with the Armenian Genocide and on April 24 we marked both dates. Recently we organized a concert of Armenian and Jewish songs. The organization also brings to Israel books and textbooks from Armenia. As a matter of fact the Armenian community in Israel is more numerous that the Jewish one in Armenia. Actually we have two communities - the church community in Jerusalem and the secular community in Tel Aviv and other towns," Tsinker said.

He also remarked that the term "Armenian complimentarism" is already used in Israel. "We closely examine the principles of the Armenian foreign policy. It's interesting and can be useful," Tsinker said.