April 29, 2006 - 14:39 AMT
Oskanian: Karabakh Subordination to Azerbaijan Ruled out
"When it is time to reach an agreement on principles of settlement of the conflict, Nagorno Karabakh should take part in the talks without fail, as its fate is decided," Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian stated at a meeting with the teaching staff and students of Artsakh State University within his two-day visit in NKR. "I cannot now state which status NK will have, however subordination to Azerbaijan is merely ruled out. NK has never been part of Azerbaijan," he emphasized.

The international situation does not allow recognizing the Nagorno Karabakh Republic yet, however the issue of recognition of the NKR is a political lever, which should be used at an apt moment, the Armenian FM remarked. Touching upon mutual concessions, Oskanian said, "Mutual compromises should be born during talks. Each of the parties has "a read line" that it cannot overstep. For the Armenian party it is the guarantee of NK security and uninterrupted land communication with Armenia," the Armenian FM said. In his words, in any case settlement by force is not acceptable. "Although the probability of resumption of hostilities is low, we should be constantly ready to these. I am glad NK is ready to it. We work for peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, however if Azerbaijan wants to solve the issue by force, then, as stated by President Kocharian, Armenia will recognize NKR," Oskanian noted. He emphasized that only after recognition of the NKR elimination of the consequences of the war can be the point, reports IA Regnum.