May 3, 2006 - 14:21 AMT
May 5 and 6 Declared Mourning Days in Armenia
Armenian President Robert Kocharian proclaimed May 5 and 6 the days of mourning for the passengers killed the Yerevan-Sochi crash, reported the RA leader's press service. To remind, May 3 night А-320 Armavia-owned plane crashed into the Black Sea most likely over bad weather conditions. The plane was conveying 113 passengers including 23 Russian citizens. They all died. The place was trying to land in the airport of Adler, however the control officers did not allow the landing because of bad weather conditions. The communication with the plane was lost at 2.12 a.m., six minutes before the scheduled landing in the Sochi (Adler) airport. A criminal case according to Article 263.2 of the Penal Code (violation of operation of an aircraft) was initiated. The A-320 wreckage of the plane lay 300 meter deep in the Emeretin bay.