May 11, 2006 - 19:34 AMT
Egoyan Welcomed Canadian Premier's Statement on Armenian Genocide
Famous film director Atom Egoyan welcomed Canadian Premier Stephen Harper's statement on the Armenian Genocide. «I think the Harper Government had a courageous stand on the issue from the very beginning. These issues might become history, while they need detailed research,» Egoyan remarked. He was sure that the only tool for making progress in the matter is recognition of the Armenian Genocide in various countries and isolation of the Turk Government. In his words, it is the only way to any changes. There are reports that the Turkish MFA intensively contacts the Harper Government to convince the Canadian PM «not to go into the depth of the problem.» Meanwhile, the Turkish press reports that Canada may be deprived of opportunity to take part in programs of building a nuclear plant in Turkey, RFE/RL reports.