May 17, 2006 - 14:13 AMT
Politics and Armenian Youth Seminar to Be Held in Moscow
On the initiative of "Mitq", the Union of Armenian Youth in Moscow with the assistance of the Russian-Armenian Commonwealth NGO a seminar titled "Politics and Armenian Youth" will be held in the Russian public and political center May 18, reported Yerkramas, the newspaper of Armenians of Russia. The purpose of the seminar is to increase the socio-political activity of the Armenian youth and engage Armenian youth organizations into the political processes in Armenia.

The event participants will discuss the role of the youth in the public and political life of Armenia and Russia, the role of youth organizations in the strengthening of the Russian-Armenian relationships, patriotic bringing up of the young generation and interaction of the state and civic society. Russian NGOs and Armenian student associations were invited to take part in the seminar.