May 18, 2006 - 15:58 AMT
Aliyev Militant Rhetoric Suppresses Azeri Youth Minds
Heydar Aliyev was a realist. When he raised the issue of Karabakh, he meant only 7 regions without NK. Return of the regions was a priority to him, Russian Co-Chair of the OSCE MG for settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict in 1992-1996, Ambassador Vladimir Kazimirov stated in an interview with a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. In his words, Ilham Aliyev concentrated too much just on the NKR. "When he speaks of inviolability of borders of Azerbaijan, he does not fully understand what he stands up for," he noted.

The diplomat underscored that all principles fixed in the UN Declaration of 1948 and confirmed by the Helsinki Agreement are of equal value - this also refers to people's right to self-determination and inviolability of borders. "It should not be forgotten that those principles were adopted after WWII, when any territorial change could result in a large-scale war. This principle does not work at present. Aliyev believes those principles as a dogma and thus finds himself in a deadlock. To say nothing of his militant rhetoric cripples moral foundations of the society, suppresses the minds of the young generation," the OSCE MG former Co-Chair said.