May 29, 2006 - 15:07 AMT
Armenian Internet Community Offers Kommersant Daily to Apologize for Misinformation
As it was reported earlier, Russian magazine Kommersant Dengi (№19) affixed a booklet advertising Turkey's places of interest. In addition the readers found a CD with a 70-minute film about the "Turkish genocide perpetrated by Armenians". As reported by the Yerkramas, the newspaper of Armenians of Russia, the Armenian Internet Community (,, and others) launched a protest action and offered all people concerned to write a letter to the magazine editorial office with a suggestion to apologize for having spread false information.

The numerous letters sent to the Kommersant Dengi say that "the Armenian Diaspora of Russia is one of the biggest in the world. Armenians have worked for Russia's welfare for centuries. The Republic of Armenia is Russia's strategic partner and the two states enjoy allied relations. An anti-Armenian action of the kind carried by Turkey through your edition cannot but arouse discontent among the Armenian population of Russia. We appeal to you with a request to apologize to the readers for having spread information that does not correspond to historical reality and offends the feelings of the heirs of the Armenian Genocide victims. The denial of the Armenian Genocide is actually equal to complicity in the crime."