May 30, 2006 - 14:31 AMT
Work to Decode A-320 Flight Recorders Began
Works started in Moscow to decode the content of flight recorders of A-320 Armavia air company plane, which had crashed in the Black Sea. Containers of airborne recorders of the plane were opened today. The media were extracted and are ready to processing. Media with sound and parameter information are in a satisfactory condition for processing.

In compliance with technological norms and legal procedure, Armenian, Russian and French specialists will engage in decoding the flight recorders. The decoding of the data is expected to take a month, RIA Novosti reports.

On the night of May 3 a Yerevan-Sochi flight of Armavia national carrier crashed in the Black Sea 6 km away from Adler airport killing all of 113 people aboard, including 6 children and 8 crewmembers. Among them were 26 Russian citizens, one Ukrainian and one Georgian citizen, while all the rest of the passengers were Armenian citizens.