May 31, 2006 - 15:25 AMT
Ivanov Doesn't Rule Out Possibility of Deploying Peacekeepers in Karabakh Conflict Region
Russian Vice-Premier, Defense Minister Sergey Ivanov does not rule out the possibility of deploying peacekeepers in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict region. "I do not exclude that peacekeeping forces may appear in the region for the fulfillment of the political agreements that will be achieved sooner or later," Ivanov told reporters in Baku. "The current situation cannot last forever," he added. The Russian MOD head reminded that the unsteady armistice in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict region has been maintained for over 12 years already. "Unfortunately, the number of hotspots like Nagorno Karabakh increases year by year," the Russian Defense Minister said, reported RIA Novosti.