May 31, 2006 - 16:11 AMT
New Speaker Election Delayed to June 1
The election of the new Speaker of the Armenian National Assembly will be held on Thursday Vice-speaker Tigran Torosian told reporters today. Besides, the deputies will elect the chairmen of permanent parliamentary commission on defense, home affairs and national security and of the commission on social issues, health and ecology. "The change of the terms is conditioned by the discussion of some legislative initiatives," he said. To remind, May 11 Orinats Yerkir party announced the decision to secede from the ruling coalition over discrepancies on home and foreign policy. May 29 Artur Baghdassaryan formally left the post of the parliament Speaker. Head of the permanent parliamentary commission on defense, home affairs and national security Mher Shahgeldian and chairman of the commission on social issues, health and ecology Gagik Mkheyan also handed in resignation.