August 29, 2014 - 18:12 AMT
Oculus Rift makers release Leap Motion mount

Oculus Rift owners can now interact with virtual worlds using their hands thanks to the Leap Motion peripheral, Digital Spy said.

The makers of the motion accessory have released a $20 mount that allows it to be affixed to a virtual reality headset, eliminating the need for a control pad.

Leap Motion will generate a wire frame of users' hands when combined with a headset and record their gestures when they reach out.

The company behind the product has released video footage demonstrating the two devices being used in unison, showing the user manipulating virtual spheres and flying around a digital environment with arms raised in front of them.

Leap Motion is exploring ways to better integrate its gesture control tech with virtual reality devices, and has released a new beta SDK to help developers achieve this.

A new prototype sensor from the firm dubbed Dragonfly could come built in to future virtual reality headsets.

Photo: Getty Images/ AFP/ Robyn Bec