June 2, 2006 - 18:53 AMT
A-320 Flight Recorders Examination Started
"The experts and specialists of the International Aviation Committee proceeded to the forensic examination of the A-320 flight recorders that were withdrawn from the Black Sea bed," says the statement of the Russian Office of Prosecutor General.

According to the statement, the examination of the jet pieces and genetic investigation of the unidentified bodies is going on. "The avia-technical and complex examinations are being carried out. Upon completion of all the examinations the causes of the crash will be known. Presently the officers are keeping in touch with the Armenian counterparts," the statement says, reported RIA Novosti.

To remind, on the night of May 3 a Yerevan-Sochi flight of Armavia national carrier crashed in the Black Sea 6 km away from Adler airport killing all of 113 people aboard, including 6 children and 8 crewmembers. Among them were 26 Russian citizens, one Ukrainian and one Georgian citizen, while the rest of the passengers were Armenian citizens.