September 12, 2014 - 17:09 AMT
“The Woman in Black” hit thriller sequel gets release date

Relativity has set a release date for The Woman in Black sequel to star Jeremy Irvine and Helen McCoy and to hit theaters on Jan. 30, The Hollywood Reporter said.

Tom Harper will direct the follow-up to the haunted house thriller, which will be set in the same house 40 years later when a group of children, who are evacuated from London during World War II, come to stay and awaken the house's darkest inhabitants. Relativity acquired the U.S. distribution rights for the sequel from Hammer and Entertainment One.

The original The Woman in Black movie, starring Daniel Radcliffe, grossed more than $54 million domestically in 2012. Joe Croker wrote the script for The Woman in Black sequel, produced by Tobin Armbrust, Simon Oakes, Ben Holden and Richard Jackson.

Marc Schipper, Guy East, Nigel Sinclair, Neil Dunn, Graeme Witts, Xavier Marchand, Roy Lee, Richard Toussaint, Wade Barker, Ryan Kavanaugh and Tucker Tooley share executive producer credits.