September 23, 2014 - 17:38 AMT
Scottish precedent may be hard to apply to Karabakh: UK envoy

British ambassador to Armenia finds it difficult to predict possible impact of the Scottish referendum on European and post-Soviet countries, including Nagorno Karabakh, facing the problem of national self-determination.

“Territorial integrity and national self-determination, being conflicting principles, are difficult to combine in each individual case,” Katherine Jane Leach told reporters Tuesday, Sept 23. “In some cases they are easily perceived, while in other regions, with religious and ethnic problems, it is more difficult.”

Asked about her stance on Nagorno Karabakh, which has a rival like Azerbaijan, she quoted a statement, “you don’t seek peace with your friends, but rather, with your enemies.” In this context, Mrs Leach stressed the importance of preparing people for peace, which implies painful mutual concessions.

She also stressed the importance of political agreement on the results, citing Scotland and Northern Ireland as examples.

“In case of Scotland, all the parties involved followed the principle of peace and agreed on the results. As regards Northern Ireland, a referendum is not on agenda there, but the Good Friday Agreement (GFA) envisages possibility of a referendum,” she said.

Mrs Leach refused to comment on arms race in the region, particularly on Russia’s selling arms to Azerbaijan, while acting as mediator, asking to refer it to Russian envoy, reported.

The ambassador further spoke about constitutional reforms in Armenia, noting that the latters should involve social discussions to make the necessity for changes understood.

Referring to the recent summit in Wales, she stressed cooperation between Armenia and NATO as an example of effective interaction.

The ambassador also slammed the destruction of the Armenian Genocide Memorial Church at the hands of Islamists in Syria's Der ez-Zor and expressed serious concern over the fates of the Armenian community in the country.

In conclusion, she noted that the British embassy in Armenia will promote cooperation in the sector of education.