June 12, 2006 - 18:40 AMT
Robert Kocharian Highly Assessed Level of Armenian-Swiss Relations
Today Armenian President Robert Kocharian met with Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Micheline Calmy-Rey, reported the RA leader's press service. During the meeting Robert Kocharian expressed satisfaction with the current level of the Armenian-Swiss relations and assessed highly Switzerland's assistance in the process of reforms in Armenia, especially the activities of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. For her part Micheline Calmy-Rey remarked that being interested in stability and security Switzerland closely watches the development of the South Caucasian region. In her words, official Bern sympathizes with Armenia and this is the service of the Armenian community of Switzerland.

Noting rather modest index in the economic sector the interlocutors stressed the necessity of more coordinated economic cooperation between the two states. In this context the parties marked out the importance of the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation as well as the cooperation within international organizations.