June 16, 2006 - 15:27 AMT
Kocharian: Russian Law Enforcers Should Suppress Xenophobia
Today Armenian President Robert Kocharian met with the delegation of the South Federal Okrug of Russia led by RF President's plenipotentiary Dmitry Kozak, reported the RA leader's press office. The interlocutors discussed the whole scope of the Armenian-Russian relations. Noting the importance of developing ties between the administrative units Robert Kocharian said it creates a good basis for strengthening interstate relations. He also remarked that thanks to the activation of business ties the Russian business tends to deeper integration into the Armenian economy. The importance of establishment of efficient transport communications was as well marked out.

Dmitry Kozak emphasized that numerous Armenian community residing in the South of Russia is engaged in almost all the fields of regional life. The parties condemned the murders through national hatred committed recently in Russia and underscored that the situation does not meet the interests of Russia and the Russian nation. In Robert Kocharian's words, the Russian law enforcers should suppress xenophobia by sharp and precise measures.

The Russian President's plenipotentiary also attended the Russian military base deployed in Gyumri and thanked the Armenian authorities for the creation of favorable conditions for the service of the military.