June 21, 2006 - 15:24 AMT
Ghukasian: Ruture is Talks Between NKR and Azerbaijan
Today Azerbaijan exerts every effort to change the history and deprive Nagorno Karabakh people of freedom and independence achieved at a price of irreplaceable losses, NKR President Arkady Ghukasian stated in Stepanakert at the opening of the international conference titled "Nagorno Karabakh Republic: Past, Present and Future." "I am convinced that Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan should negotiate in order find a mutually beneficial resolution of the conflict. I want to believe that this conference will help to see the reality in the region that can hardly be fancied with Nagorno Karabakh," the NKR leader said. "I am glad to hear that you intend to discuss a wide scope of issues referring to the history and culture of Nagorno Karabakh, its spiritual heritage, political and legal matters, prospects of the socio-economic development. I wish the conference successful and fruitful work," Arkady Ghukasian added.