June 22, 2006 - 14:43 AMT
Armenia Keeps Helping Establishment of International Mechanisms to Prevent Genocide
Globalization and electronic media enhance the level of information and increase responsibility, Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian said at the opening of the first session of the UN Council on Human Rights in Geneva. "Entering neighbor's drawing-room is just as easy as one's own. Hearing shouts from the adjacent room and not respond to them is as difficult, as not noting noise in one's own home. The current generation can unite time, skills and resources to create a new and efficient international system, which will enjoy not only moral authority, but will also be a long-standing defender of the weak,» he remarked.

Oskanian underscored that Armenia has been helping to establish international mechanisms to prevent Genocide and its causes. «These causes imply not only «cleansing» of a people, living in its historical fatherland, but also successful attempts to wipe out such facts from humanity's memory,» the Minister said, reports the Armenian MFA Press Service.