June 26, 2006 - 18:04 AMT
NKR MFA: Baku Again Tries to Distort Karabakh Conflict Essence
«The fact that official Baku does not cease attempts to attribute religious nature to the Azeri-Karabakh conflict, based on infringement of basic rights of the Armenian population of the former Azeri SSR and Azeri party's lack of desire to recognize NKR people's right to decide their fate themselves,» says a comment of the NKR MFA to the Caucasian Knot portal over the final declaration adopted at the latest forum of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Baku.

«At the 33rd session of the OIC FMs of the Azeri party made another attempt to distort the essence of the conflict by presenting Azerbaijan as a victim. Being unable to solve the issue within the legal framework, Azerbaijan resorted to armed aggression against the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and ignored UN SC urges to stop hostilities. The NKR MFA notes with content that in spite of the increased militant hysteria in Azerbaijan, the OIC announced its firm position that it is necessary to solve the conflict peacefully,» says the NKR MFA comment, reports De-Facto.