June 27, 2006 - 15:19 AMT
ArmenTel New Owner Name to Be Known in Late July-Early August
The name of the new owner of 90% of ArmenTel company shares will be known in late July - early August, Armenian Minister of Transport and Communication Andranik Manukyan told journalists yesterday. In his words, only in case the stockholder is changes the issue of reconsideration of the terms of the license will be solved. Manukyan remarked the Armenian Government has not yet expressed its stand over four possible buyers of ArmenTel. He expressed satisfaction with OTE Greek Company selling its 90% shares, reports the Yerkir newspaper.

We remind that after the first phase of the tender for buying ArmenTel company, Vympelkom and MTC Russian companies, as well as ETISALAT (Emirates Telecommunications Corporation /Istithmar ETV -Emergent Telecom Ventures) and VTEL Holdings/Knightsbridge Associates will continue the competition.