June 28, 2006 - 18:56 AMT
OSCE Mission Held Monitoring of Karabakh Security Zone
June 28 a recurrent monitoring was held at the contact line of the Karabakh and Azeri armed forces' contact line near the settlement of Yusifjanly, reported the NKR MFA.

Field assistants of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Peter Kii (UK), Irzhi Aberle (Czechia) and Hunter Folk (Germany) conducted the monitoring from the Karabakh side.

The monitoring was held according to the schedule. No ceasefire violations were fixed. The representatives of the NKR Foreign Ministry and Defense Ministry, who accompanied the OSCE mission, remarked that despite the allegation on arsons by the Azeri side the monitoring participants did not fix any cases of arsons in the NKR security zone.