December 15, 2014 - 13:44 AMT
The Pirate Bay resurrected by Isohunt following police raid

The Pirate Bay has reappeared online once again via Isohunt, according to Digital Spy.

Although the original site remains offline, the torrent search service's archives are easily accessible online for others to reproduce.

The Pirate Bay was taken offline on Tuesday (December 9) after Swedish police carried out a raid in Stockholm where they seized servers and computers.

Isohunt made the decision to host The Pirate Bay in "honour" of its legacy, despite being rivals.

"As you all probably know, the beloved Pirate Bay website is gone for now," the site said.

"It will be missed. It will be always remembered as the pilgrim of Freedom and possibilities on the Web. It's the symbol for a whole generation of the internet users."

Last month, Pirate Bay co-founder Fredrik Neij was arrested on the border between Laos and Thailand, meaning all three of the website's founders are now in custody.