July 4, 2006 - 15:00 AMT
OSCE Monitoring in Karabakh Confirms Version on Azeri Party Burning Grass
On July 3, the Office of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office (C-i-O) monitored the contact line of the Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijani Armed Forces in Aghdam-Gindarkh direction and in the settlement of Novrouzlou, reports the Press Service of the NKR MFA. From the positions of the NKR Defense Army, the monitoring mission was led by Personal Representative of the OSCE C-i-O Andrzej Kasprzyk. Field Assistants of the Personal Representative of the OSCE C-i-O Peter Key (Great Britain), Irzhi Aberle (Czech Republic) and Gunter Folk (Germany) were in the group. The monitoring passed in accordance with the planned schedule; however Azerbaijani side as before did not lead out the OSCE mission to the front line. In the course of the monitoring no violations of the cease-fire regime were registered.

The representatives of the NKR Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, who accompanied the OSCE monitoring mission, noted that contrary to the Azerbaijani side's allegations on the burning of the populated areas, which were in the NKR security zone, the monitoring participants did not find such facts. In one of the sections of neutral region traces of fire were discovered, which spread from territories under the control of Azerbaijan. This again confirms the version earlier announced by NKR authorities that the Azerbaijani party burns grass. The monitoring of different sections of contact-line will also be conducted on July 4 and 5.

We remind that June 15 the NKR MFA addressed the Office of the Personal Representative of the OSCE C-i-O, asking for monitoring the zone adjacent to Azerbaijan to provide a real assessment to the situation and to make sure Baku invents accusations on alleged burning of border settlements on territories controlled by the NKR.