July 12, 2006 - 15:42 AMT
War in Nagorno Karabakh - Way to Abyss
Armenia and Azerbaijan should refrain from resumption of hostilities. The sides should comprehend that the only way to settle the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is peaceful talks, expert on political communication Dr. Rolf Steltemeier said. "War is the way to abyss. In case of a military conflict Armenia and Azerbaijan will face hardships with integration into the European structures. Let's take Turkey. It experiences great problems over the Cypriot problem. In short, Armenia and Azerbaijan should not count for an easy way to Europe," he remarked.

The German expert underscored that political will is the most important point for the conflict settlement. "Unfortunately neither Armenia nor Azerbaijan demonstrate this will, which is the basis for the whole process. Armenia and Azerbaijan should agree on stepwise settlement of the conflict but they have failed to come to an agreement so far. If the sides are incapable to determine the status of Karabakh at the current stage of the talks, it mater should be postponed for some period. Now measures should be taken to reduce the negative effects of the unsettled conflict," Dr. Steltemeier said.

As for the speeding up of the settlement process, the German politician considers this is first of all conditioned by the significance of the South Caucasus. "The matter concerns not only oil but also other economic reasons. South Caucasus borders with Europe, that is why Europe and the Unites States as well are interested in stability in the region. This is explained not only by oil and money but also by the situation with Iran and war on terror. Moreover, the South Caucasus can become a zone of confrontation of big powers and Europe does not wish to have one more source of danger - the Nagorno Karabakh conflict," he underscored.