April 21, 2015 - 15:59 AMT
Apple Watch tipped to smash profit record

The Apple Watch could be the Cupertino firm's most profitable device yet, according to an industry analyst, Digital Spy reports.

Carl Howe from Think Big Analytics predicts that the wearable's gross margins will exceed 60%, with revenue of $2 billion in its first two weeks.

Apple has not revealed how many watches it has sold since pre-orders began on April 10, but Howe believes that its initial run was around 3 million units.

Although this figure is less than what the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus moved in their first weekend, it sets a new record for a smartwatch.

Howe claims that Apple capped its initial Apple Watch stock to ensure that inventory costs were as low as possible.

The Apple Watch will be released on April 24, but customers will not be able to purchase the device at Apple Stores on this date due to supply limitations.

Staff will prompt buyers to complete their order online for the time being.

Photo: Apple