September 12, 2006 - 14:50 AMT
Religious Difference Never Caused Hostility between Armenians and Iranians
There are friendly relations between Armenia and Iran, Iranian Mejlis Chair Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel stated at a meeting with students and staff of Yerevan State University. The Iranian Speaker noted that "friendship of the two peoples is like a tree: its roots are deep in the history, while its branches become firm, proud and beautiful with the time." In his words, religious difference never caused hostility between Armenians and Iranians.

"Armenians have always lived in Iran peacefully, preserving their faith, churches and traditions, having constructive friendship and partnership with their Iranian compatriots. Our people take Armenians of Iran as honest, frank, diligent people," the Iranian Speaker said. He underscored that during history joint living of Armenians and Iranian in Iran can serve as an example "of perfect peaceful co-existence of followers of different religions," reports Novosti-Armenia.