May 2, 2015 - 15:05 AMT
The Tamagotchi lives on in Apple Watch and iPhone app

If you thought it was over for the Tamagotchi, think again: Bandi Namco, the company behind the original, has relaunched the toy. This time, however, the pocket pet will only be available in the form of an app, Digital Spy reports.

Tamagotchi Classic was added to the Apple App Store last month and this week (May 1), it was made available for the Apple Watch.

While the iPhone app mimics the digital pet's original keychain design (complete with colourful fascia and buttons), the new Apple Watch version reduces the interface to a single screen area.

The new wrist-bound release means that users can now 'look after' their electronic characters without unlocking their phone.

Tamagotchi Classic costs $0.99 and currently is only available for iOS.