May 12, 2015 - 12:22 AMT
Google disables Map editing tools

Google was forced to issue a public apology last month after an image of its Android mascot urinating on the Apple logo appeared on Google Maps - but that was just the beginning of the service's spam problems, Digital Spy reports.

The web behemoth has been forced to suspend the platform's Map Maker editing tools because some members of the community simply cannot be trusted.

The peeing Android was just beginning, and spam attacks on the world's biggest online mapping service have apparently since continued to escalate.

"We have been experiencing escalated attacks to spam Google Maps over the past few months," announced Pavithra Kanakarajan, Google Product Manager.

"As a consequence, we suspended auto-approval and user moderation across the globe, till we figured out ways to add more intelligent mechanisms to prevent such incidents."

Map Maker will go offline on May 12 and will not return until Google has gotten on top of those unruly editors.