May 30, 2015 - 14:49 AMT
"Star Trek 3" shooting to launch in a month

Simon Pegg has already talked this month about writing the script for Star Trek 3, but it's thought shooting on the film may not actually be that far away, Digital Spy reports.

The actor and writer revealed a few weeks ago he had been asked to make the film "less Star Trek-y", and that the studio was looking for a more Avengers-style story.

Pegg has now said that work started afresh on a new script six months ago, but he and co-writer and Doug Jung are facing a tight deadline to completely finish it in time.

He told the Radio Times: "We started again six months before we were due to start shooting, which is insane!

"In fact we start shooting in Vancouver in four weeks – and we're only handing in our first draft today."

Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana and Zachary Quinto are all back for the sequel, which arrives in cinemas on July 8, 2016.